Sunday, August 22, 2010


On Thursday, I uprooted dead, dying, and struggling plants from my garden then replanted seeds for one last harvest before frost. Today there are radish & lettuce sprouts visible. Neato!

On Friday, I spent the morning applying in person for jobs here in town. I was hired at a call center, second shift (4pm to 12:30am), at the low pay rate of $8.50/hr. which will rise to the low pay rate of $9/hr. after 10 weeks of training. It's not enough to pay my bills given my house mortgage. Still, for the time being I will take the job and continue to look for better-paying work so that I don't deplete my savings and lose my house. Fortunately, health insurance is included. I start this Monday or next. We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck on the new job. Glad to hear you are digging and working in dirt again.
