Thursday, August 12, 2010

House Showing

Relatives came to visit us from several states for a short time. They stayed with my parents but came to see my house. Thanks to several days of work and help from my mom, I managed to get some boxes unpacked, the clutter confined to my "office," and most of the house decorated. Here are a few pictures of the living room and dining room. Pardon the poor lighting.

Corner of Living Room

The front door opens in front of the coffee table.

Dining Room


  1. I love your blues! Have missed you, hope you have been busy doing fun things. Have you checked out all the garden apps for the iphone? Welcome back.

  2. Thank you. Yes, I do have some garden apps on my iPod, but I find I learn best by experience. I did buy bird, butterfly, and insect field guide apps though; I like being able to identify and learn about the critters I see while gardening.
