Saturday, May 8, 2010

What to Say?

I feel the need to write this morning, but I don't have a lot to say! I haven't been feeling well for the past few days and have limited my activities accordingly.

I did start reading P.D. James' The Private Patient and am enjoying it so far. It's an Adam Dalgliesh mystery. I've never read anything else by the author until now. (Summary: After thirty-four years, a newspaper journalist elects to have a disfiguring facial scar removed at a private surgical clinic for the wealthy housed in a Tudor-style home in Dorset, England, and is murdered while recuperating. Adam Dalgliesh's team is called in to solve the crime.)

While I was in school for my Master's or dealing with books all day at the library, I preferred fast reads over slower, better developed works such as this (even if the quality wasn't great)-- the books were just a break from routine, a needed escape.

I don't read fiction that often these days; I prefer nonfiction books that give me information and ideas for my personal projects such as gardening or cooking or knitting.

I am waiting on the new P.J. Tracy mystery though-- I requested it from the library but didn't get my name on the list early enough so must wait for a turn. The "author" is actually a mother-daughter writing team. The books are set in Minnesota and feature a quirky cast of characters who work with the police to solve unusual crimes. My favorite was the most recent where victims were hid as snowmen. I can recall the cover but can't remember the title-- maybe Snowblind? Anyway, I like and am looking forward to the newest-- I think the back history of Grace, one of the main characters, will be unfolded a bit. It should be interesting.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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