Thursday, August 4, 2011

Just Beginning

Outside my window... The blinds are closed because it's late at night/early morning (3rd shift). I should be in bed, but I'm excited about writing to these prompts on a daily basis and sharing the results with others.

I am thinking... about journaling. There are so many different approaches, and some are wonderfully creative. I want to find what works for me. I have used Blogger in the past and currently post to Facebook throughout the day, sometimes via GetGlue. I want something cohesive that encourages my creativity and allows me to look back to remember and reflect.

I am thankful... for Pinterest. Users there have shared links to journaling ideas and that is how I learned about The Simple Woman's Daybook

In the kitchen... For dinner I made Pecan-Crusted Chicken Tenders and Indiana Succotash. Dessert was brown sugared strawberries. The succotash was a new-to-me recipe which I would make again-- it's flavored with celery seeds and paprika. I used green beans fresh from my garden. Yum!

I am wearing... my favorite pajamas: 100% cotton black cropped pajama pants and a ratty hot pink knit tank.

I am creating... a card journal. There will be 365 index cards, one for each date of the year. A single line is added to one card per day with the result that I can look back at what I was doing on the same date in previous years. Four months of cards are ready and two entries are complete.

I am going... to bed soon I suppose. However, I slept 9 hours overnight then napped for another 3.5 during the day to combat a bad headache and fatigue (hormonal fluctuations). As usual, I'm out of sync with the rest of the world's time table.

I am wondering... if I'll be able to settle down and sleep.

I am reading... nothing right now-- between books. I renewed my four magazines and two library books on Tuesday, but truthfully it's time for me to stop by the library for something new instead. Not too interested in my current selections.

I am hoping... to be very productive tomorrow. I need to complete a job application for substitute teaching including ordering transcripts. Also, I want to get my kitchen cleaned up: empty the fridge of "science experiments," scrape and polish the stovetop clean, and "hose down" the microwave's interior. Lots of laundry needs doing too (towels, clothes, pajamas).

I am looking forward to... starting a CNA (certified nursing assistant) course soon. I'm hoping to get an entry level position in the medical field and then maybe move up from there.

I am hearing... the ticking of the clock in my knitting room/den (where I am at present), the soundtrack and dialog of Jurassic Park (not really watching it, but I like a little background noise), and the a/c kicking on to keep the house cool.

Around the house... the fabric squares of my first potential quilting project are on the dining room table, there are dish towels to fold in a living room chair, and my knitting room is a disaster of paper, books, yarn, etc.

I am pondering... why I am so long-winded. I do love details! ;-)

One of my favorite things... is beginning new projects. My mom calls me a "dabbler," and I admit it's true. Finishing is the challenge!

A few plans for the rest of the week: There's not much of the week left at this point, and if I'm unable to accomplish some of the things I hope to do tomorrow, I'll just roll those tasks over to the following day. No particularly exciting plans. I need to run by my parents' to pick up a check, to the bank to deposit it, to the pharmacy to grab a prescription refill, and on Monday, I have my bi-yearly appointment with the pulmonologist (sleep specialist). All routine stuff.

Today's picture is of my dinner. I do love to cook.


  1. Visiting you from SWD, it's the first time I've joined in with this meme and I am so enjoying meeting the participants and reading their daybooks.
    Your dinner looked very good, have never eaten succatash (not knowlingly atleast!)
    Maggie @ just books.

  2. Thanks, Maggie. Until my 40's, my only exposure to succotash was Sylvester the cat in Looney Tunes cartoons, but I always liked the sound of the word: "Sufferin' succotash!" ;-)
