Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Quiet Movie Day

I was awake for a couple of hours in the middle of the night and didn't feel well the whole morning, so this was a low-key sort of day. I did two loads of laundry (towels) but didn't fold them. I watched the following movies (and simultaneously played on my iPod): the rest of The Guns of Navarone, Westward the Women, In Harm's Way, and Jurassic Park.

My dad delivered leftover fried chicken and mashed potatoes with white gravy, so that made a good lunch. Thanks, Mom!

I did an evening garden check and discovered that one carrot seedling is showing which is remarkably rapid growth, but then we've had the weather for it!

Here's a picture of the mesclun which I'm growing in cut-and-come-again fashion (so I won't be thinning it).

I also took a picture of a wild corner of the yard (which technically doesn't belong to me, but since there's an empty lot next door, I'm claiming it for the time being).

I love the various greens and the contrast of the redbud branch. Plus, the area is tucked away so it seems like a secret garden.

God lifted my spirits this evening, and I am expecting and looking forward to a better day tomorrow.

"Love is right here, love is alive, love is the Way, the Truth, the Life, love is the river that flows through, love is the arms that are holding you... love never fails you."
-From the song performed by Brandon Heath entitled "Love Never Fails"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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