Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ready Radishes?

My radishes sprouted 20 days ago, so I was hoping a few would be mature enough to harvest now (but judging by the foliage, I doubted it). Still, I pulled one up this morning. A lovely scarlet root, but not a plump radish. Ah well, I knew I was being impatient. I did wash and eat it, and it tasted spicy. Another 10 days I reckon.

I have 17 carrot seedlings growing, and true feathery leaves are showing on some.

Yesterday's lawn mowing threw all sorts of clippings into the raised bed, which makes it a little difficult to see emerging sprouts. Hopefully those bits will wither and turn brown quickly so that I can see when my next crop of lettuce appears.

Definitely need to water today-- for the seeds' sakes mostly.

Today's going to be another busy day of chores and errands, even though I've started kind of late.

I need to shop for some summer clothing. I only have one pair of ginormous shorts and multiple way-too-tight capris that need purging from my wardrobe. I can't wear pants through Kentucky's sweltering summers unless I'm ensconced in a chilly air-conditioned office.

By the way, here's a photo my mom took of her birthday lava cakes.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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