Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Went to doctor yesterday...

She did give me a migraine-abortive to try when needed-- Midrin. As best as I can tell, it's a combo of Tylenol, a blood vessel constrictor, and some sort of muscle relaxant. Sounds pretty mild, but maybe it will help.

More significantly, she said I have allergies. This is news to me. I had trouble with ear pain last spring and went to a clinic where the doctor prescribed short-term use of Zyrtec and Nasonex because there was some fluid buildup. But it was a bad spring, allergy-wise, for almost everyone. The doctor didn't say, and I didn't understand, that I had more than a temporary problem.

But here is an abbreviated list of problems allergies can be associated with (beyond the typical hay fever symptoms):

Decreased ability to concentrate and function
Problems remembering things
Sleep disorders
Missed days at work

Hmm, sounds familiar.

Furthermore, my doctor says that allergies can be a migraine trigger. Lovely.

That crazy episode of dizziness I had on Thursday 1/14 may even have been due to fluid buildup in my ear. I'd been having sinus trouble but had not connected the dots. I guess I'd better start keeping the Zyrtec handy.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I too have suffered from migraines and allergies and suggest you read A Brain As Wide As The Sky. It is so interesting and who would think that a book about headaches could be so.
    Square foot gardening is a great way to go. The french were onto this way before us.

  2. Thanks for the recommend. I did notice the book when I was restocking the new books area. I recently read pieces of Living Well with Migraine Disease and Headaches: What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You-- That You Need to Know. I really hadn't known about a prodrome phase before (except for aura symptoms, which I don't have). Astonishing.
