Thursday, February 4, 2010

Guess what I had for dinner?

I feel like Julia Child! Of course, it took 3 separate cookbooks to inspire me. I made a blender hollandaise sauce (Joy of Cooking) with lime juice (Recipe 1-2-3 Menu Cookbook) and a dash of Tabasco (Joy of Cooking again). Then I poached an egg in the microwave (Perfect Recipe for Losing Weight...). Really, I don't know why a single person would poach an egg on the stovetop-- this was cinchy and the egg looked just like photos I've seen in cookbooks-- the method was superbly successful. I'd never eaten a poached egg before, but this won't be my last. The hollandaise is ideal with it. Delish! I'll make it as often as my waistline can afford the butter. ;-)

Image source:

I like the steamed asparagus idea, but I didn't think of that-- I even happen to have some in the frige; I'll go roast some asparagus and a potato to round out my dinner.

Incidentally, I don't know why, but these recipes came together in my head sometime last night when I couldn't get to sleep. Sometimes there IS an "up" side to insomnia. ;-)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. There is one thing for sure, I am hungry now for this egg and asparagus and that salmon loaf, too. Best of all, no calories in reading.

  2. :D One of my Facebook friends keeps posting pictures of his restaurant meals (he's a rescue worker/news responder). Anyway, he calls them "Food Porn".
