Monday, March 22, 2010

Children and Faith

Lately I've been browsing through Facebook taking a peek at how some of my former students are doing. Many of them had great parents, and I had no doubt that they would end up happy and successful in life. Others had little support and opportunity; I wanted the best for them, but I was doubtful about how they would fare.

By and large, I think I should have had more faith in God's plans for their lives. He never abandons any of His children, and in the areas of their lives where I saw weakness or difficulties, He has transformed and used those very weaknesses. They have developed into the people God meant them to be all along. Maybe if I had been older and more experienced, I would have known that.

On the other hand, it shouldn't surprise me that I didn't know the end from the beginning; only God has that kind of vision. Our view is mostly limited and earthly no matter how earnestly we seek His wisdom and viewpoint. There will come a day when we know even as we are known, but it is not yet that day. That is one reason why we must walk by faith and not by sight-- we're too blind to want to give our own perceptions that level of credibility.

At the tea shop, I saw a sign that said, "Pray about everything; worry about nothing." I think that is an excellent paraphrase of an important Bible verse. I want to do that more often than I do now. There's no point in worrying since God has it covered-- all of it, everything, whatever it may be.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Love you blogging Angel!! I want to try this eventually!! Your house is also beautiful!! Thanks for sharing!! Love, Lisa B.

  2. You are welcome-- glad to have you! ;-)
