Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Quick Account of the Day

I should be going to bed right now but wanted to post something.

I woke up a trifle late this morning because I couldn't get to sleep last night-- I was starving, having forgotten to eat an evening snack. Oops! too busy recording song snippets to notice hunger. Overfocusing again.

Had a great laugh while drinking my morning tea and facebooking-- all about wascally wabbits in the garden and the Elmer Fudd solution. Sentimental memories of childhood's Saturday mornings to boot. And amazement at the quality of those old cartoons-- great facial expressions and vocal intonations. True art!

Once I was able to get going, I headed out to the garden and put up the second grid. A robin and a male cardinal oversaw the process. I planted 2 squares-- romaine in one and Brussels sprouts in the other. I suspect the weather is going to get too warm too soon to get good results from either plant, but I wanted to try.

I still need to plant some mesclun (but I want a free-standing container for that so I can keep it right by the back door) and some pansies. Also, I should trim the excess weed fabric from the beds and PLANT that blueberry bush-- no time today, but it needs to be outdoors ASAP.

Afterward, I showered off the garden and dressed to do errands. I had to get groceries TODAY since I was out of ALL the staples-- milk, eggs, bread, cheese, fruits & veggies. (I ate some odd meals today, making do.) So happy to have cooking ingredients on hand again. My pantry is usually stocked thanks to my parents, but I can't live on canned foods and dry goods alone!

I also picked up a device that allows me to transfer digital photos directly from the camera's memory card through the USB slot of my laptop. I've been using my printer as a "router", but this device eliminates the printer from the process. For $8, it seemed worth it!

I came home, unpacked groceries, ate, and caught up with my Facebook account, then took a short walk-- I saw at least 3 plant subjects I want to photograph, but I forgot to bring the camera along. Bummer. Hopefully tomorrow.

I'm amazed at how quickly the evening flew by. I had a DVD on, but simultaneously played on my iPod doing who knows what. Solitaire, Facebook, prioritizing for tomorrow, changing my wallpaper, etc. Day is done.

A good day. Not a lot of projects accomplished, but some significant ones. Got to turn in-- my brain is falling asleep. ;-)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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