Sunday, March 21, 2010

Herb Update

The sage sprouted days ago, but I keep forgetting to mention it. The thyme is beginning to get true leaves. The chives stem has unfolded.

Basil and rosemary are still no-shows. I may have drown the basil seeds right from the beginning (oops!), but I'll give them some more time since basil's not cold-hardy anyway. I recently read that rosemary doesn't always come true from seed, but again, we'll see.

I'm hoping to get some mint from my mom; I don't know which cultivar she has, but I've used enough of it in my cooking to know that it will be dandy in a pot in my garden-- got to corral that bully so it doesn't conquer the world!

Also, it's not an herb, but my mom bought me a blueberry bush. Yum! Gradually, I want to develop a whole thicket of blueberry shrubs, but one is a good start until I learn more about their care.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. You've got great beginnings for your herb garden. Hope you are checking out classes offered by the county extension offices, Washington county has a wheelbarrow series that is great. I will be taking a class there on raising chickens next month.

  2. Thank you-- I'm pleased with the herbs. I was just thinking about chickens and gardening last night, but probably what needs to be next on my agenda (beyond stepping up the job searching) is my house-- I'm still not unpacked. I have boxes and out-of-place stuff everywhere, including my car. I get overly ambitious with my hobbies and projects sometimes.
