Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Green

In a lull between rain showers yesterday, I squelched my way across the backyard to the far corners to get photos of the bright green leaves emerging on some shrubby plants. Unfortunately, the pictures were blurs-- I keep forgetting to hold the digital camera still long enough for it to capture an image.

So today, I tried again. I don't think we'll get more rain, but it is "butt cold" out there (to use a Pioneer Woman phrase-- she was referring to the rear ends of horses and posted a photo of the ice on their tails). No gardening for me today-- it's supposed to warm up tomorrow.

At least plants are more tolerant of cool temperatures-- God is wise!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I love it when those little buds of green, pink or yellow begin to emerge, kinda rejuvenates me. Be sure to look for weeds, some of them are beautiful, too.

  2. I have been, thanks to your posts-- you've sparked my interest. Unfortunately, I don't know their names or stories. Maybe I'll take some photos and "quiz" you! ;-)
