Monday, March 8, 2010

Grass Seed

Mostly, today was spent doing more errands, but there was progress in a couple of areas: gardening and physical activity.

Since I didn't suffer any severe damage from yesterday's stroll, I repeated the fifteen minute exercise today. With such lovely weather, I didn't even need a jacket! (Echoes of the movie Miss Congeniality in my mind...anyone else pick up on that?)

Secondly, I planted rosemary and sage seeds indoors for transplanting later. That's the last of the herb seeds-- REALLY, I promise! ;-)

I also cast grass seed over the front lawn. I wanted to take advantage of today's wonderful weather to be outdoors-- as well as the next few days' rain showers with warm daytime temperatures for sprouting the grass. But according to the package directions, it's rather early in the season for grass, temperature-wise. If we should slip back into winter (God forbid!)...uh-oh. I just hope I'm doing more than feeding the birds! I have visions of a lush green yard instead of the barren hard-packed clay with dead weeds that I've come into.

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1 comment:

  1. I never tire of herbs. Hope your rosemary and sage do well. Rosemary is one of my very favorites. Stream Cliff Farm in Indiana has a rosemary that is the size of a small tree. It is a beautiful place to visit and the food in their cafe is wonderful. Check them out at
